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This document describes the Project website prepared under the Project ATOS contract no 7763502018/02/28
This document describes the strategy adopted, in the first part of the project, by the ATOS Consortium regarding the communication, the dissemination, and the exploitation of the ATOS achievements. This document presents the major tasks already accomplished by the Consortium from the starting date of the project such as:
• Communications: Logo of the ATOS project
• Communications: Website of the ATOS Project
• Communications: Website access count and spread over the world
• Communications: Creation of page and accounts on social networks
• Dissemination: Submissions/presentations at international conferences
This document describes the strategy adopted, in the second part of the project, by the ATOS Consortium regarding the communication, the dissemination, and the exploitation of the ATOS achievements. This document presents the major tasks already accomplished by the Consortium from the starting date of the project such as:
• Communications: Logo of the ATOS project
• Communications: Website of the ATOS Project
• Communications: Website access count and spread over the world
• Communications: Creation of page and accounts on social networks
• Dissemination: Submissions/presentations at international conferences
The document provides information about:
• What data will be collected/generated
• What standards will be used/how will metadata be generated
• What data will be exploited, what data will be shared/made open
• How will data be curated and preserved